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What’s this all about?
We plan to focus coverage on the following themes:
• Free enterprise is the best route to widely shared prosperity. This category includes coverages of taxes and regulation, of government inefficiency and overreach, including by prosecutors, of the dynamism and creativity of markets and competition, and of the intersection between politics, government, and business.
• America has a positive role to play in advancing freedom and democracy in the rest of the world.
• Religion is an important, underestimated, and often positive force in public life.
• The rest of the media often does a poor job of conveying these first three ideas.
What we’re aiming for
I am hoping to bring to The Editors the same editorial spirit that has animated previous enterprises, saving readers time and money by concisely filtering and summarizing news and opinion developments of interest, surfacing surprising new information, identifying trends and patterns, piercing though nonsense, and accurately framing issues, illuminating the conditions in which liberties flourish.
The tone will be reportorial, sophisticated, intelligent, independent, skeptical, principled, nonpartisan, civil, fact-based analysis, leavened, at times, with a sense of humor. The advocacy and opinion will be with a light touch rather than heavy-handed. Not shrill or extreme or crazy, but common-sense and sane, if sometimes provocative. We’re optimists and we try to take a long view, but we also try to see the world as it is.
Who’s the editor?
The site is edited by Ira Stoll. Stoll is author of JFK, Conservative (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013) and Samuel Adams: A Life (Free Press, 2008). He was vice president and managing editor of the New York Sun, which he helped to found, from its debut in 2002 until its cessation of print publication in 2008. Before that he was a consultant to the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal, North American editor of the Jerusalem Post, editor of Smartertimes.com, Washington correspondent and then managing editor of the Forward, and a reporter for the Los Angeles Times. From 2019 to 2023 he was managing editor of Education Next. He is a graduate of Harvard, where he was president of the Harvard Crimson. He lives in Boston.
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